Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Crystal Bailey
92 School Street
PO Box 88
Twin Mountain, NH 03595
Phone: 603-846-5494
Fax: 603-846-5713
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm * Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office closed Monday evenings until further notice. Apologies for any inconvenience*
State of NH Secretary of State website
State of NH Election information
Registering to Vote in New Hampshire
The Town Clerk is a Municipal Agent for the state and issues registrations and renewals up to 26,000 lbs. for Town of Carroll residents. Registrations can be completed online however, additional fees will apply. The E-Reg icon will also allow you to check on estimates on the cost or renewing your vehicle or the price involved in registering a new vehicle.
Every owner of a dog that is at least four months old must license their dog each year at the Town Clerk’s office. The license year is May 1st – April 30th. Fees are:
- $6.50 – Dogs spayed or neutered
- $9.00 – Dogs not spayed or neutered
- $2.00 – Senior citizens (65 yrs +) for first dog
Please provide a copy of the current rabies certificate and/or proof of alteration.
We are also able to complete dog license registrations through online request by clicking on the online payment button however, additional fees will apply.
Marriage licenses can be obtained through the Town Clerk’s office.
- Both parties must appear in person with photo identification
- License is valid for a period of not more than 90 days from filing
- If applicant is divorced, a certified copy of divorce decree must be presented
- If applicant is widowed, a certified copy of death certificate of former spouse must be presented.
- Fee is $50 for marriage license and $15 for marriage certificate for a total of $65.
The Town Clerk is able to assist in obtaining vital records for birth, marriage and death. A certified copy is $15.
Please fill out the provided form
Our 250th Anniversary was in 2022! We have DECALS, SHIRTS, PLATES, and the 250th ORNAMENT available for purchase at the Town Hall through the Town Clerk’s office:
Decals (3 to choose from) – two are the 250th Celebration logos and one of the former School/Town offices

T-Shirts & Long-Sleeve Shirts
Commemorative Plates
250th Ornament
Please contact or stop by the Town Hall to purchase any of the items.
We look forward to you being part of this Celebration!
Thank you,
The 250th Celebration Committee